Who we are
SMM Emergency Aid is a working group belonging of the Swiss Mennonite Mission SMM. The group is committed to help people in areas of war and crisis – no matter their origin, religion, or gender – and advocates for a culture of solidarity. SMM Emergency Aid acts out of an Anabaptist Christian conviction and works closely with the global relief agency MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) and local partner organizations.
What we do
About every other year, the voluntary SMM Emergency Aid team plans and realizes a collection action for people in need. It relies primarily on voluntary participation. Old and young, big and small are called upon to join in and donate time, heart and soul, money and relief supplies. Participants are provided with a shopping list and are asked to buy the listed items themselves and drop off at the collection points. In previous actions we have either collected items for school kits, i.e., pencils, erasers, rulers and notepads, or hygiene products like laundry detergent, tooth brushes, towels and nail clippers. In addition, numerous knitting and quilting groups in all of Switzerland contribute warming knitwear and colorful comforters to send along with the other items.
The emergency aid team coordinates the campaigns and organizes shipment of the relief products into the crisis regions, where they are distributed by MCC or local relief agencies.
Together for long-term goals
SMM Emergency Aid wants to give back dignity and hope to people in crisis and war areas, by means of practical relief campaigns. The team is aware that this is often just a small contribution against an inscrutable and complex problem. Yet, it is convinced that a lot of small people, who do take lot of small steps in a lot of small places, can change the world (according to an African saying).
It belongs to our basic understanding, that short-term emergency relief and donating material goods can only make a positive difference, if people also work for reconciliation, peace, and justice in the long-term. This is why SMM Emergency Aid is working closely with the Mennonite Central Committee MCC – the global relief agency of the North American Mennonite churches. Especially when it comes to distributing the relief goods, but also when deciding which products to collect and where to send them, SMM Emergency Aid trusts in MCC’s and their local partner’s experience and know-how.