Many of our godchildren live in Paraguay. The International Mennonite Organization (IMO) is working with various partner in different places. The local partner coordinate the sponsorships.
School situation in Paraguay
In Paraguay schooling is compulsory but free of charge over 10 years, starting for children aged 5 years. After a one-year pre-school children attend primary school for 6 years and then secondary school for another 3 years. Unfortunately teachers in the National Schools often lack of commitment, training and dedication.
Children are taught little more than basic skills.
In this situation private schools have a special meaning and role in society. They do not receice any govermental support. They need the support from tuition fees and donations.
The German and the Spanish-speaking Mennonite churches respond to the need, thus providing a broad knowledge on many subjects in private schools. Donations for a godchilden help to get children in these schools.